This book has been designed to provide students with intensive as well as extensive practice of the questions and problems they will encounter in the JEE Physics exams. The aim of this book is to improve and enhance the aptitude, proficiency and problem-solving ability of students in Physics to enable them to crown their endeavours with success.
Salient features:
Pratyush Kumar Singh obtained his B.Tech. in Civil Engineering from IIT Kanpur. He is the founder of an IIT coaching centre in Ranchi, has been teaching Mathematics and Physics for more than 25 years and has also authored several books on these subjects. His dedication and knowledge have helped more than 5000 students achieve their dreams.
PrefaceAcknowledgementsPART I: MECHANICSChapter 1: Physical Quantities and MeasurementChapter 2: KinematicsChapter 3: Force and MotionChapter 4: Work–EnergyChapter 5: Linear Momentum and CollisionChapter 6: Torque and Angular MomentumChapter 7: ElasticityChapter 8: Fluid MechanicsChapter 9: Surface Tension and ViscosityChapter 10: GravitationChapter 11: Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 12: Mechanical WavesPART II: THERMODYNAMICSChapter 13: Calorimetry, Thermal Expansion and Heat TransferChapter 14: Gas Laws and First Law of ThermodynamicsPART III: ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISMChapter 15: Electrostatic Field and PotentialChapter 16: Current ElectricityChapter 17: CapacitorsChapter 18: MagnetismChapter 19: Electromagnetic InductionChapter 20: AC Circuits and EM WavesPART IV: OPTICS AND MODERN PHYSICSChapter 21: Geometrical OpticsChapter 22: Atomic PhysicsChapter 23: Nuclear PhysicsChapter 24: Wave Optics
Appendix I: Previous Years’ JEE Main Questions and SolutionsAppendix II: Previous Years’ JEE Advanced Questions and Solutions