Vector is one of the important concepts necessary for the study of Physics, Applied Mathematics and Engineering. This book presents the principal topics in the subject – scalars, vectors, vector algebra, vector differentiation and the differential operator, vector integration and integral theorems – in a clear and simple manner. For each topic, the definitions of important terms, properties and deductions are provided, along with worked-out examples and figures to ensure in-depth understanding and comprehension.
Salient Features
Prasun Kumar Nayak is Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics (UG & PG), Midnapore College (Autonomous), Midnapore, West Bengal. He has more than 20 years of teaching experience and has published books such as A Textbook of Mechanics, A Textbook of Tensor Calculus and Differential Geometry, Numerical Analysis, and Linear Algebra. He has also published papers on game theory and inventory theory in national and international journals.
1 Scalars and Vectors 1.1 Scalar1.2 Vector1.2.1 Null and Proper Vectors1.2.2 Position Vector1.2.3 Unit and Reciprocal Vectors1.2.4 Rectangular Unit Vectors1.2.5 Polar and Axial Vectors1.2.6 Pseudovector1.2.7 Co-initial Vectors1.2.8 Parallel Vectors1.2.9 Equal Vectors1.2.10 Sliding Vectors1.2.11 Bound Vectors1.2.12 Like and Unlike Vectors1.2.13 Free and Localised Vectors1.3 Vector Algebra1.3.1 Addition of Vectors1.3.2 Subtraction of Vectors1.3.3 Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar 1.4 Components of a Vector1.5 Linear Combination of Vectors1.5.1 Linearly Dependent1.5.2 Linearly Independent1.6 Section Ratio (Point of Division)1.7 Collinear and Coplanar Vectors1.7.1 Collinear Vectors1.7.2 Coplanar Vectors1.8 Centroids1.8.1 Centre of MassExercises 2 Product of Vectors 2.1 Scalar Product2.2 Applications to Cartesian Geometry2.2.1 Distance Between Two Points2.2.2 Direction Cosines of a Line2.2.3 Orthogonal Transformation2.3 Cross Product2.4 Vector Area2.4.1 Vector Area of a Parallelogram2.4.2 Vector Area of a Triangle2.5 Product of Three Vectors2.5.1 Scalar Triple Product2.5.2 Scalar Product of Four Vectors2.5.3 Vector Triple Product2.5.4 Vector Product of Four Vectors2.5.5 Reciprocal System of VectorsExercises 3 Applications of Vector Algebra 3.1 Vector Equations3.2 Applications in Geometry3.2.1 Vector Equation of a Straight Line3.2.2 Angle Bisector of Two Intersecting Straight Lines3.3 Plane3.3.1 Shortest Distance Between Two Skew Lines3.4 Sphere3.4.1 Sphere with Given Radius and Centre3.4.2 Sphere with Given Extremities of a Diameter3.4.3 Intersection of a Line and a Sphere3.4.4 Tangent Plane at a Given Point3.5 Volume of a Tetrahedron3.5.1 Regular Tetrahedron3.6 Applications in Mechanics 3.6.1 Concurrent Forces3.6.2 Work and Power3.6.3 Rotation of a Rigid Body3.6.4 Moment of a ForceExercises 4 Vector Differentiation 4.1 Scalar and Vector Fields4.1.1 Scalar Fields4.1.2 Vector Fields4.2 Vector Calculus4.2.1 Limit and Continuity of Vector Functions4.2.2 Ordinary Derivatives4.2.3 Partial Derivatives 4.2.4 Directional Derivative4.3 Applications in Differential Geometry4.3.1 Space Curve4.3.2 Curvature and Torsion of Space Curve Er = Ef (u) 4.3.3 Tangent Plane and Normal to a Surface Er = Er(u, v) 4.4 Curvilinear Coordinates4.4.1 Transformation of Coordinates4.4.2 Coordinate Surface and Curves4.4.3 Unit Vectors in Curvilinear Systems4.4.4 Arc Length, Surface Area and Volume Element4.5 Applications in Mechanics4.5.1 Tangential and Normal Acceleration 4.5.2 Uniform Motion on a Circle 4.5.3 Areal VelocityExercises 5 Vector Differential Operator 5.1 Differential Operator5.2 Gradient5.2.1 Invariance of the Gradient5.2.2 Gradient of a Vector Function5.2.3 Gradient in Curvilinear Coordinates5.3 Divergence5.3.1 Invariance of Divergence5.3.2 Divergence in Curvilinear Coordinates5.4 Curl5.4.1 Invariance of Curl5.4.2 Curl in Curvilinear Coordinates5.5 Laplacian Operator5.5.1 Laplacian in Curvilinear CoordinatesExercises 6 Vector Integration 6.1 Definitions of Basic Concepts6.2 Ordinary Integral6.3 Line Integrals6.3.1 Tangential Line Integral6.3.2 Properties of Line Integrals6.4 Surface Integrals6.4.1 Normal Surface Integrals6.5 Volume IntegralsExercises 7 Integral Theorems 7.1 Green’s Theorem in the Plane7.2 Gauss’s Divergence Theorem7.3 Stokes’ TheoremExercises Bibliography Index