Classical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations: With Applications to Boundary Value Problems

Stuart P. Hastings

ISBN: 9781470409241 | Year: 2013 | Paperback | Pages: 392 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: Restricted

Price: 1700.00

About the Book

This text emphasizes rigorous mathematical techniques for the analysis of boundary value problems for ODEs arising in applications. The emphasis is on proving existence of solutions, but there is also a substantial chapter on uniqueness and multiplicity questions and several chapters which deal with the asymptotic behavior of solutions with respect to either the independent variable or some parameter. These equations may give special solutions of important PDEs, such as steady state or traveling wave solutions. Often two, or even three, approaches to the same problem are described. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods are discussed.

The book gives complete classical proofs, while also emphasizing the importance of modern methods, especially when extensions to infinite dimensional settings are needed. There are some new results as well as new and improved proofs of known theorems. The final chapter presents three unsolved problems which have received much attention over the years.

Both graduate students and more experienced researchers will be interested in the power of classical methods for problems which have also been studied with more abstract techniques. The presentation should be more accessible to mathematically inclined researchers from other areas of science and engineering than most graduate texts in mathematics.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Stuart P. Hastings, University of Pittsburgh, PA, and J. Bryce McLeod, Oxford University, England, and University of Pittsburgh, PA

Table of Content

     What are classical methods?

An introduction to shooting methods
     A first order example
     Some second order examples
     Heteroclinic orbits and the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations
     Shooting when there are oscillations: A third order problem
     Boundedness on (−∞,∞) and two-parameter shooting
     Waz˙ewski’s principle, Conley index, and an n-dimensional lemma

Some boundary value problems for the Painlev´e transcendents
     A boundary value problem for Painlev´e
     Painlev´e II—shooting from infinity
     Some interesting consequences

Periodic solutions of a higher order system
     Introduction, Hopf bifurcation approach
     A global approach via the Brouwer fixed point theorem
     Subsequent developments

A linear example
     Statement of the problem and a basic lemma
     Existence using Schauder’s fixed point theorem
     Existence using a continuation method
     Existence using linear algebra and finite dimensional continuation
     A fourth proof

Homoclinic orbits of the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations
     Existence of two bounded solutions
     Existence of homoclinic orbits using geometric perturbation theory
     Existence of homoclinic orbits by shooting
     Advantages of the two methods

Singular perturbation problems—rigorous matching
     Introduction to the method of matched asymptotic expansions
     A problem of Kaplun and Lagerstrom
     A geometric approach
     A classical approach
     The case n = 3
     The case n = 2
     A second application of the method
     A brief discussion of blow-up in two dimensions

Asymptotics beyond all orders
     Proof of nonexistence

Some solutions of the Falkner-Skan equation
     Periodic solutions
     Further periodic and other oscillatory solutions

Poiseuille flow: Perturbation and decay
     Solutions for small data
     Some details
     A classical eigenvalue approach
     On the spectrum of Dξ,Rξ for large R

Bending of a tapered rod; variational methods and shooting
     A calculus of variations approach in Hilbert space
     Existence by shooting for p > 2
     Proof using Nehari’s method
     More about the case p = 2

Uniqueness and multiplicity
     Uniqueness for a third order problem
     A problem with exactly two solutions
     A problem with exactly three solutions
     The Gelfand and perturbed Gelfand equations in three dimensions
     Uniqueness of the ground state for Δu − u + u3 = 0

Shooting with more parameters
     A problem from the theory of compressible flow
     A result of Y.-H. Wan
     Appendix: Proof of Wan’s theorem

Some problems of A. C. Lazer
     First Lazer-Leach problem
     The pde result of Landesman and Lazer
     Second Lazer-Leach problem
     Second Landesman-Lazer problem
     A problem of Littlewood, and the Moser twist technique

Chaotic motion of a pendulum
     Dynamical systems
     Melnikov’s method
     Application to a forced pendulum
     Proof of Theorem 15.3 when δ = 0
     Damped pendulum with nonperiodic forcing
     Final remarks

Layers and spikes in reaction-diffusion equations, I
     A model of shallow water sloshing
     Complicated solutions ("chaos")
     Other approaches

Uniform expansions for a class of second order problems
     Asymptotic expansion

Layers and spikes in reaction-diffusion equations, II
     A basic existence result
     Variational approach to layers
     Three different existence proofs for a single layer in asimple case
     Uniqueness and stability of a single layer
     Further stable and unstable solutions, including multiple layers
     Single and multiple spikes
     A different type of result for the layer model

Three unsolved problems
     Homoclinic orbit for the equation of a suspension bridge
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